As I said in the above video, I am a seasonal reader. In summer, I crave contemporaries like they’re going out of fashion. Which they might be – it certainly seems that way, especially when you look at the YALC lineup. Discuss.
Anyway, regardless of current publishing trends or fan furore, in my mind, contemporary settings in books and summer belong together. It’s not compulsory for the books be set during a summer, but I do find myself drawn to summery books because summer is my favourite season, as I rambled in another video, last year, and I want to make the most of it!
So most of the books on today’s Top Ten Tuesday are contemporary, or contemporary with supernatural elements.. I might not get to them all, because I’m moving, and have to spend a lot of time going round furniture shops (Zzzzzzz…). Or I might devour all of them, because I don’t have internet for weeks. Who knows!

1. Artemis Fowl and the Last Guardian, by Eoin Colfer – I am FINALLY going to finish #FinishItFeb. In June.
2. This Is Not A Love Story, by Keren David – everyone seems really thrilled about this, so I can’t wait to give it a go.
3. The Lost and Found, by Cat Clarke – this is an upcoming Bookish Brits Book Club selection. Lots of people I know absolutely rave about Cat Clarke but I’ve never read any of her books before so I’m excited to give it a go.
4. Subway Love, by Nora Raleigh Baskin – because I’m probably not going to go on holiday abroad this year, I figured I might as well go on a journey in my head to NYC. Also this is quite a short book, so it can be a little self-esteem booster in-between longer reads.
5. How To Be Bad, by E Lockhart, Lauren Myracle, and Sarah Mlynowski – because this is the only E Lockhart book I haven’t read yet, and I just got this copy. I’m hoping to start it as soon as I finish my current read (The Girl on the Train).
6. Second Chance Summer, by Morgan Matson – another book that everyone seems to love, plus, it’s set during a summer.
7. Rules of Summer, by Joanna Philbin – I got sent this unsolicited review copy a year or two ago, and I hadn’t heard anything about it, so it languished on my TBR until Stacey at prettybooks recommended it.
8. Have a Little Faith, by Candy Harper, and
9. Dare You To, by Katie McGarry, because I should really start working on my List of Shame. We’re more than halfway through the year, after all.
10. Under My Skin, by James Dawson, because the hot pink on the cover and the edges of the colour is such a summery colour. I mean, I’m looking forward to the story as well, but maintaining a summer aesthetic is important business…

I hope you enjoyed this post! Let me know in the comments if you have read any of these and if you have any recommendations, and if you’ve done your own version of this list please share the link. Top Ten Tuesday was created and is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
I thought I read lighter, fluffier books in the summer, but I'm not sure that's so. My favorite seasons are fall and winter — maybe that's why I tend toward darker books? Hmmm …
Happy TTT!
This Is Not A Love Story is sooo goood! I would definitely recommend it! I also really liked The Lost and The Found. 🙂 Very intriguing book that one!
I really want to read Second Chance Summer too because I love Morgan Matson and Subway Love sounds really interesting!
Hope you enjoy all the books you read this summer Julianne. 🙂
I haven't read any of the ones on your list. I want to read a Morgan Matson book this summer. It seems like her books are perfect summer books. I definitely agree about reading contemporaries more during this time of year.
I haven't read any on your list either. Do you have a favourite of Lockhart's? E Lockhart has a lot of admirers and I've never read one despite seeing all the praise for her online. I love that you have a List of Shame as well; I hope you manage to read and enjoy them all 🙂
The Boyfriend List is my favourite by E Lockhart, though I love them all. Thanks 🙂
Adding my "READ THIS IS NOT A LOVE STORY" voice to the crowd. It's so good. I'm with you with reading contemps in the summer. I always associate road trips with summer! That Cat Clarke looks amazing too. I've not read any of her's either 🙂
I've always wanted to read a good Autumnal book but I'm a chunky knits and woolly tights kinda gal!