I have written some limerickesque lines of dubious quality about books I have enjoyed. Can you guess which books they are about?
Don’t go trawling through my Goodreads, that’s cheating!
Also, I know some of these lines don’t exactly scan, you don’t have to tell me…
There once was a woman called Linda
Who lived in a time before Tinder
She married and divorced
A small scandal it caused
Then with a French duke she did linger
There once was a girl called Cia
Who studied hard without fear
But her father’s bad dreams
Tore life apart at the seams
And death became suddenly nearer
There was a brave orphan named Laura
Her long-lost uncle adored her
He lied about his job
But let her get a dog
Things were never the same as before
There once was a girl who couldn’t stop eating
Her sister accused her of lying and cheating
She found out one day
That she wasn’t meant to stay
But she refused to let her strange life be fleeting
There once was a princess who didn’t know
That into a monarch she would one day grow
She just wanted to be cool
And do okay at school
And for the popular boy to be her beau
Let me know your answers in the comments or tweet me!
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