This week’s Monday Amusements is mostly about pretty things. I have seen a lot of beautiful bookish stuff online recently.
Such as the Literary Gift Company’s line of alphabet mugs. And Storiarts Book Scarves (via Ashe). This edition of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. All the book necklaces in the Etsy world. The TBR book jar. Harry Potter heels (via @cjredwine).
And oh gosh, this stunning bookshop.
I’ve also been loving lists. Starting with ‘Diversify Your YA: Six Books With Minority Main Characters’, at xojane. I’d already heard of most of these but seeing the enthusiasm of other readers moves them higher on my to-acquire list.
Here’s a meta-list: The 10 Best Top 100 Book Lists.
A really interesting list from Rookie magazine: Compare and Contrast: Books we love about emulation, imitation, and replication.
Combining a list with prettiness: I loved the image collages in this top ten YA standalones list (via E Lockhart).
15 Young Adult Books Every Adult Should Read (via @simonschuster). As if my wishlist wasn’t long enough already.
A fantastic best of UKYA list from So Many Books, So Little Time.
Rather Be Reading has one of the most gorgeous blog designs that I’ve seen. I loved their recent post, ‘Being Married to a Reader: Gazing Lovingly at… Books‘. My boyfriend is a reader (and also a writer) and it is one of the best things ever, having grown up in a family of non-or very casual-readers.
I loved this review of Cold Comfort Farm by Bev of My Reader’s Block, which perfectly summed up all the wonderful things about it. You can read my review, from 2011, here.
Have you written or read any great book lists recently?