I’m a bit late reposting this here, but hey! This is a short but sweet wrap-up video and I hope you enjoy it.
Books mentioned:
Split by a Kiss, by Luisa Plaja
Alligators, Old Mink and New Money, by Alison Houtte and Melissa Houtte
I’m a bit late reposting this here, but hey! This is a short but sweet wrap-up video and I hope you enjoy it.
Books mentioned:
Split by a Kiss, by Luisa Plaja
Alligators, Old Mink and New Money, by Alison Houtte and Melissa Houtte
The Short Short Books Reading Challenge is a month-long challenge (hence the first short) to read short books! For the purposes of this challenge, I am defining ‘short books’ as 250 pages or less, but feel free to set your own limit. You can also set your own goals. If you haven’t been reading regularly for a while, I suggest you aim to read one book. As I read quite quickly, my goal is to read four short books.
The inaugural Short Short Books Reading Challenge will run from 1st-30th September 2017.
I gathered my short books together one day to take an Instagram photo and realised that I had quite a lot of them. This gave me the idea to run a short books themed reading challenge. I thought for a while about the best time to run it and settled on September, as that’s always a busy month for me. I work at a university and in the run up to the start of term I often have to work longer hours, plus this year I’m starting a new job, so I won’t have so much time for reading. Sticking to short books will make it easier for me to read complete stories in the limited time I have available.
As you may have gathered from the video above, I’m also on the verge of getting behind on my Goodreads challenge. Is this cheating? No, it’s just good planning!
I wanted to make this a challenge rather than just do it by myself because as I’ve become more and more busy co-running the London YA Social Events (@MeetUKYA) social group I feel like I’ve neglected the online book community a bit. I want to seize the opportunity to read more blogs and watch more booktube videos.
I’m hosting the challenge here on my blog and on my YouTube channel – if I get more than four signups I’ll run at least one giveaway. But you don’t need a blog or a YouTube channel to take part – you can share your progress on any social media you like, just click the button below and leave a link to where I can follow you!