It’s February, which means it’s time to put the TBR Double Dog Dare on hold and #FinishItFeb instead!
I loved being part of #FinishItFeb last year, even though it took me a couple more months to finish the Gemma Doyle trilogy than I’d intended.
This year, I’m aiming reasonably high, and I want to finish three books from my ‘currently reading’ list, and one series.

The Series
I hadn’t ever really considered reading Artemis Fowl until I became a Christmas temp at Waterstone’s Bromley, and a couple of my colleagues (one in particular), enthused about it so much that I couldn’t resist.
I’ve read the first two, and I really, really loved them. But somehow I never got around to reading the rest. I am planning to re-read the first two and then I will be continuing merrily on with this fantastic series.
The Three Books:
I have started reading The Creative Habit, Twyla Tharp’s guide to creativity, at least once before but lacked the determination to finish it. You see, it’s one of those books with exercises. I am often halted by exercises. I started it again in January, and I really want to continue it as it’s one of those lifechanging, really useful kind of guide books. I just have to get around to doing this particular exercise, and then I can move on…
I read most of The Bookshop Book last year and then stopped after interviewing the author. I don’t want it to end! But I should finish it, so that I can put the dustjacket back on it, take it off my desk and find it a nice home on a shelf.
I don’t know why I never finished reading Haunted by History: Poetry by Joan Anim-Addo, who taught on my undergrad degree programme. It’s a poetry book. It’s not very long. And I don’t have to review it – I generally don’t review poetry, though I might mention it in a vlog. If I finish it!
I talked about my #FinishItFeb plans in my last vlog, which you can see below:
Are you taking part in #FinishItFeb? Have you read any of these books?